Tuesday, February 18, 2014

GO:LA - Matt Zoller Seitz's Wes Anderson - LA Weekly

Twenty years ago, filmmaker Wes Anderson premiered his short film Bottle Rocket at the Sundance Film Festival. The seven feature films he has directed since then have spawned their own idiosyncratic genre of precious perfectionism — frequently imitated but never surpassed. So it is high time to lionize Anderson in book form. Matt Zoller Seitz's new tome, The Wes Anderson Collection, is based on a 2009 series of video essays by New York magazine's TV critic. In Collection, he dissects the overwhelming influence that films such as Rushmore and Moonrise Kingdom have had on contemporary cinema. In addition to Seitz signing and discussing his book, there will be a Wes Anderson costume contest for those looking to dust off their red track suits or the Steve Zissou uniforms they haven't worn since last Halloween. 

Matt Zoller Seitz @ LA Weekly

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